Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life

Numbers 28:1-8 Bible Study | Episode 809

Chad Harrison Episode 809

November 14, 2024

Hope Alive: Applying God’s Word to Your Daily Life

Numbers  28:1-8  Bible Study | Episode #809

I am Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. The purpose of studying scripture is that you might know the character of Jesus Christ, and that you might see the world from the Father's perspective. That you gain wisdom that changes your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open His word to you and allow you to see Him and to know Him. To know His will, that you might glorify Him and that you might walk in faith and power each day, especially today. In Jesus name.

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This is Chad Harrison, and you're listening to hope alive, applying God's word to your daily life. Hi, this is Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and have been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open up.

His word to you and allow you.

To see him and to know him and to know his will, that you might glorify him and that you might walk in faith and power each and every day, especially today, in Jesus name.

Well, good morning. Welcome to Lake Community Church's morning Bible study. We are in numbers, chapter 28. Numbers at 28. And we're going to spend a couple of chapters dealing with the offerings. God's going to go in detail through the different offerings, and he's going to start with the most common of offerings, and that's the daily sacrifice. There are so many things out there nowadays, so many resources, so many opportunities like this, for people to have an opportunity to either hear God's word, read God's word, meditate on God's word, study God's word. Those opportunities are out there all the time, and oftentimes people use them. There are a lot of believers who have not gotten into the habit of having a daily time where they think about, consider, discuss, read, listen to something that is focused on God's word. For those who are doing that, I would just point you to numbers, chapter 28, and help you understand that God had a daily sacrifice. And remember, the sacrifice, especially when it concerns a lambda, is a direct picture of Christ. All the sacrifices are really pictures of Christ, but this one's an important one. And there was a lamb sacrifice in the morning and in the evening, each day, every day in. In the temple in Israel, when. When Israel was a nation, starting in the wilderness, but all the way to the temple, all the way through the ages, wherever where they were, they were sent into exile. Didn't matter where I went. All those. All those times, all those places, there was a daily sacrifice, and it was a consistent sacrifice every day, daily sacrifice. And you go, well, why was that? Well, because it became a part of the culture. It was a cultural thing. It's an understanding that God had provided for them deliverance, God provided for them atonement. God had taken care and dealt with was dealing with their sin. God was present all the time. He didn't just show up for the big festivals he didn't just show up for the big parties. He wasn't there just for the weekend entertainment. He was there all the time. It's a. It's a understanding of the. Of the presence of goddess being in your life, in the people of Israel's life. He is always there, and we are always giving ourselves as a daily sacrifice to him, where our lives are forfeit to his life because he gave his for hours. We give our daily sacrifice each and every day. And we eat of the bread of life. Who is Jesus? He is our daily sacrifice. We eat of that bread of life each day. And we allow God's presence on a regular, daily basis, uh, to fill our lives. And for us to walk in that presence and that understanding and that power. Uh, that's what, that's what this is about. That's what, uh, uh, the daily sacrifice is about. And God gave them, uh, instructions about it. And when he starts talking about all the sacrifices and, uh, gets specific about how he wants them done. In this section, he starts with the daily sacrifice. It says verse one of chapter 28. Now, the Lord spoke to Moses saying, command the children of Israel and say to them, my offering, my food for my offering shall be by fire as a sweet aroma to me. You shall be careful to offer them to me at the appointed time. Now, what's important about that? Well, it's supposed to be by fire. And remember, fire, fire represents the Holy Spirit. And so what you're doing is you're giving the Holy Spirit an opportunity to inject God into your life when you do these daily sacrifices. When we sacrifice our time, our life, we set aside a few moments, a few, a little bit of time in the morning or in the evening to meet with God, to hear from goddess, to allow God to speak truth into what's going on in our lives, what's happening. For him to have a say in the daily events of our lives, to have an opportunity to bring things into our remembrance and to our thought processes. Now, I would say to you that you ought to spend most of your day in this meaning that we hear God's word and then we mull it over as we live our lives out. And that's really what this daily sacrifice helps you do. It helps you take in God's word and then just mull it through what's going on in your life and allow God to show you things. Allow God to reveal himself in the things that are happening every day. Allow him to have some input, really, that's what he's doing. And he's doing that by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's burning that sacrifice up. It's a sweeter Emma before God, but it's also a reminder of his presence every day. And if you will spend some time each morning, whether it be listening to the Bible on tape when you get in the car, listen to a chapter of scripture, just go to one of the apps that has the Bible on audio and play it and listen to it. Whether it be listening to this Bible study as you get up in the morning, whether it be breaking open the bread of life and sitting on the back porch and reading it, or Faustin style, you know, reading, reading the way, the way we've done it for many, many years. But it's not super old fashioned because people didn't do that before the printing press. They had to. They had to have some method by which for. To hear what God had to say and then kind of mull it over. It's you. You have more and more opportunities today to actually spend time, say, well, shouldn't you just. Shouldn't you read it yourself? No, not necessarily. That's not, that's not the most important part. We, for 1500 years, somebody else had to read it to you because most people couldn't read 1600 years, 1700 years, even 1800 years. But what they could do is they could hear it. And faith cometh by hearing the. Hearing by the word of God. And it didn't say faith cometh by reading a. Or a lot of people wouldn't have any faith. It comes by hearing God's word. And however method, whatever method that is, we ought to use it, you ought to use that methodology by which to hear God's word and to think about it and to consider it. It says in verse three. And you shall say to them, this is the offering made by fire. Holy Spirit's involved right there, see? Which you shall offer to the Lord two male rams in the first year without blemish, day by day, as a regular. Burnt offerings. Two male lambs, no blemishes, perfect sacrifice, done day by day regularly, every day, one in the morning, one in the evening, he says, but then one lamb shall be offered in the morning. The other lamb you shall offer in the evening. And the one 10th of Ephah a fine flour as a grain offering mixed with one fourth of a hin of pressed oil. So you've got the bread, you've got the Ephah flour, and you've got the oil. You mix those together. You mix that flour and that oil. The oil is the power of the Holy Spirit. So you've got the fire is really the presence of the Holy Spirit. But the oil and that grain that. You know, that flyer mixed together presenting the bread of life. So you've got the lamb, which is the atonement for our sins. God handles our sins. And even in the disciples prayer, our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Notice you got your daily bread. This is the oil and the flour. And you've got the forgiveness of the atonement for the lamb. So you got the daily bread and the atonement for the lamb. And then one 10th of an ephah, fine flour of grain offered. Mixed with one fourth of a hint of pressed oil. It is a regular burnt offering which was ordained at Mount Sinai for a sweet aroma. An offering being made by fire to the Lord. And its drink offering shall be one fourth hen. For each lamb in a holy place. You shall pour out the drink to the Lord as an offering. The other lamb you shall. Now that that drink offerings. The is is was sometimes wine. Uh, sometimes it was. It was the blood. Uh, and it says, uh, the other lamb you shall offer in the evening. As the morning grain offering. And its drink offering. And you shall offer it as an offering made by fire. Sweet aroma to the Lord. So there's a morning offering and an evening offering. And the truth is, is that, uh, oftentimes people say, when should I do my. My daily devotion? When should I do my quiet time? Well, it doesn't really matter when you should do it. You should do it. You should have a time where you sit and you're alone and you discuss. You think, you consider. You hear God's word and you let that ruminate in your life. And by the way, it should go on kind of all day. It should be something that you think about all all day long. Something that you consider as you get up and as you lie down, as you go out and as you come in. It's just one of those things that you do. You consider. You consider what God has said and what God is doing. And you make your life an offering to him. Remember, these are pictures of Christ's sacrifice for us. But they're also a picture of our sacrifice for him. We offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Our lives are sacrifices holy and acceptable to God. Well, in many ways, this is a. This. This daily sacrifice is a sacrifice of Christ that's ever before us, but it's also a sacrifice of ourselves, which is a consistent daily thing that we do. I think about the, the bread and the forgiveness, the filling and the peace that God provides through these sacrifices. And it helps us live our lives in such a way that we make Christ actively involved in everything we do. If you really want God to really take full control and walk you through everything, if you really want God to be actively a part of your life, you've got to put him in your life actively all the time. And the only Way for you to do that is for you to have these times of daily sacrifice. It's a time where we come and we make the main thing, the main thing in our lives. And that really is our relationship with him. What a beautiful sacrifice that was. And I can imagine having been a part of places where something's a regular part of every day in a community, it would become important to them, the jewish people in Jerusalem. It would have been something that was very important to them. And the loss of it became very important, in fact, when they were sent into exile into Babylon. The one thing that the prophets and those who are trying to bring back Daniel when he writes the thing that they talk about is that we want to begin the daily sacrifice again. In fact, the truth is that there are many in Israel who do not remember that ever being the case. It's been gone for 2000 years. They'd like to begin the daily sacrifice again. Why? Because when you have it, it just feels like you've got God all the time. I pray that you'll make that a regular part of your day. That you'll maybe like this page, share it, that you'll give it out to friends. That you'll encourage those around you to use the resources that God has given us to hear God's word. Because faith does, does come by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord. And so make that a part of your day and help others make it a part of as you go today. I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you.

That he'll make his face to shine upon you and that he will give you hope and peace today. In Jesus name.