Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 5:5-6 Bible Study | Episode 853
January 15, 2025
Hope Alive: Applying God’s Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 5:5-6 Bible Study | Episode #853
I am Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. The purpose of studying scripture is that you might know the character of Jesus Christ, and that you might see the world from the Father's perspective. That you gain wisdom that changes your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open His word to you and allow you to see Him and to know Him. To know His will, that you might glorify Him and that you might walk in faith and power each day, especially today. In Jesus name.
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This is Chad Harrison, and you're listening to Hope Alive, applying God's word to your daily life. Hi, this is Chad Harrison and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and have been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God will open up.
His word to you and allow you.
To see him and to know him and to know his will, that you might glorify him and that you might walk in faith and power each and every day, especially today in Jesus name.
Well, good morning. Welcome to Lake Community Church's morning Bible study. We are in Deuteronomy, chapter five, and we are at the Ten Commandments, and you're sitting there going, I thought we already did 10 Commandments. I remember back a while back you went through the Ten Commandments. How are we back at the Ten Commandments? Well, remember, Deuteronomy is really a speech or a book written to the children of Israel, who are the children of those who came out of Egypt, the ones who were going to be allowed to go into the promised land after the ones after the their fathers and mothers refused to go in. So this book is a book of instruction to them. And so obviously Moses wants to go through the Ten Commandments again now. It was in Exodus, chapter 20 the first time I did it. And I really focused on relationship or focused on the law of the Spirit when I went through that Bible study. And when you say the law of the Spirit, what are you saying? What's the law of love? It's the law of the New Testament. When Jesus talks about his commandments in the New Testament, he is talking about his commandments of love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself, and love each other, meaning other believers. As I've loved you, so there's love of God with everything. There's love of neighbor in a way that you would like to be loved. In many ways, it's equivalent to the golden rule, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you, but you love them also. So there is actually affection and love for your neighbor. And you want them to love. You want to love them as you would like to be loved. And so then you've got love of other believers. And that is spelled out in family, that's spelled out in the church, that's spelled out in the relationships. We have in the kingdom. And so that love is a self sacrificial love. Love each other as I've loved you. And Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to give his life as redemption for us. So you've got the law of love. And by the way, the Ten Commandments is about that. It's about loving God. The first three commandments, then it's about loving intimate personal relationships. The next one would, which would be our parents. And then that's honor your father and mother. And then you go into loving your neighbor. And that loving your neighbor is spelled out in the rest of the commandments except for 10. And that's just basically how not to, to do them wrong. I mean, don't do these things because you'll be wronging your neighbor. You would be doing to them what you would not want them done to you. I, I'm in court oftentimes. In fact, I'll be in court today with, with juvenile court and it's delinquency court. And in delinquency court oftentimes the judge says, especially when it's a theft case, how would you like it if somebody came in your house and stole this or that from you? And especially the younger, the younger the child is, especially when we're dealing with a very young child, the, it's a very effective process. What he's saying is don't do to them what you don't want done to you. And it is, it is the golden rule. It is. And then the last one is really loving yourself, meaning don't covet that which God has not given you that covet what God has prepared for you, receive what God does for you. And so when we go through that, it's a, it's a neat way to go through the, the Ten Commandments because it helps you kind of first of all split them up and deal with them. And then also it helps you understand, you know, God is a God of relationships. And you do see this in this context. But I do want to deal with them in a little bit more of a singular detail as we go through them because I do think it's important that you do that also. Because there's a lot to be gotten out of studying the Ten Commandments because it is a defining factor of the charact, character and nature of God. And so why wouldn't we want to spend some time thinking about it that way? Verse 4 We've already kind of dealt with in five, but, but we're going to go back because I want you to see the context. And the context is a context of relationship. He says, the Lord talked with you face to face on the mountain from the midst of the fire, meaning God speaking to them. And he's talking about to their parents. He's talking about when they were at the mountain and God asked them to come up. Notice. Notice what he says. I stood between the Lord and you at that time to declare to you the word of the Lord, meaning I came and told you what God said. For you were afraid because of the fire, and you did not go up on the mountain. He said, now that's the problem. That's, that's. That's. We knew there were issues even in Egypt, but this is where it really came to. Came home to roost, I guess you would have to say in Alabama. This is where the situation came on, Bruce. God brought them out of Egypt so that he ever have relationship with them. And they refused that relationship. Now that is just contextually, that's exactly what happened. They wanted. They wanted to be delivered from bondage, but they didn't want the relationship with God. And that is a. That is a painful understanding. A lot of people, especially in our modern church culture, where we do a lot of evangelism, but we don't share with them that you're not getting redeemed and saved from hell. What you're getting is a chance to be a follower of Jesus Christ. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18 20 says, Therefore Jesus came to them and said, all authority in heaven on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I've commanded you. Now, a lot of church cultures are based around making converts, meaning making people giving people the good news and then asking them to respond to it at that moment, at that one point in time. And that response is a prayer of forget asking for forgiveness from God. Now, there's nothing wrong with asking for forgiveness from God, and there's not, especially nothing wrong with asking someone to make a conversion experience, make a conversion decision, meaning, I hear the good news and I turn and I go toward God. But remember, the whole point of all of that is the beginning of the salvific process, where you're called, as the disciples were called, to come and follow him. And so the Great Commission says, go, and doesn't say make converse. It says make disciples, which means. It means teach, teach them. Well, first you baptize them, which is symbolic of a Relationship. Just like our wedding ring, we, when we get married, we have a symbol of that relationship that we exchange. A ring so that the whole world knows that you're married. Well, when you're born again and when you. When you repent and are converted, then you also have another physical symbol of that relationship, and that's called baptism. It is our profession of faith. It is literally in scripture, the profession of faith. It's not saying that Jesus is Lord, it is being baptized. Now, as you are baptized, you're saying Jesus is Lord and Jesus is Lord. And so learning to make him Lord and walk with him is discipleship. And God wants not just for you to know about him, he wants you to know Him. And the only way for you to know him is to walk with Him. Just no other way to do it, no other way to get there. You've got to. You got to walk in relationship with God to know Him. To adequately know God, you must walk in relationship with Him. And so God brought them to the mountain and he wanted them to come up on top of the mountain. In fact, we know that mountain has a plateau on the top of it. Plenty of room for everyone to come up and meet with God. You mean millions of people? Yeah, yeah. On top of that mountain, on top Mount Sinai. That's right. And God wanted them to come up and meet with him. And did they do it? No, they were afraid of him. And they told Moses to go up to meet with God and come back and tell us what God says. That's a problem. God wants relationship with the individual. Now, is the corporate relationship important? Sure. We're the bride and he's the bridegroom, where the we're the body and he is the Son. And you've got all that, all those symbolisms of relationship that deal with the church as a whole. But you also have the relationship that deals with the church as the intimate, the singular. The one the shepherd leaves the 99, goes to find, the one the widow searches for. The one lost coin. You've got. You've got the whole picture of, well, of God going after the single individual. And that is the good news of the New Testament, is that God now is not just redeeming a people, he's redeeming people that he makes into his people plural, people singular to people plural. And so when we get to this, God says, I want you to come up there, but you wouldn't come. And then he says, I'm the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. He say it, God saying to him, I'm the one, I'm the, I'm the redeemer, I'm the deliverer. I'm the one that did it. I'm the one that made it possible for you to have me. And so you need to realize that I'm the one who makes these things possible. I redeem you, I deliver you. And he starts the Ten Commandments out that way. I think that's fabulous, don't you? I really think that's wonderful. Now in chapter 20, what we see as far as making graven images and things like that and God's understanding of generational passing down of sin, what we call, some people call generational curses, you can call it that, you can call it generational sin. That's handled in verse nine of that commandment in Exodus 20. It starts out with that way. He's given him a warning. Now here he says, I'm the Lord your God, I brought you out of Egypt. You shall have no other gods before me. Now we're going to deal with all the commandments equally. So this is an important commandment. But, but you need to understand that when we deal with worship, when we deal with human worship, meaning the human being, human beings worshiping something, they're going to worship one of three things. You can place everything that human beings worship in one of three categories. They're either going to worship the one true God. Okay, they're going to worship God himself. They are. One way or the other, they're going to worship God. Sometimes at some point in time, every human being is going to bow as an eat of God. But, but on earth in their human life, they're going to worship God at some are going to worship him. Secondly, they're going to worship that which he created, something that was made by him, whether it be spiritual beings like angels or demons, whether it be physical things like, like creation itself, like nature, whether it be physical things that we actually sing singular things, maybe something made by human hands, something carved by human beings, something made to be an idol to be worshiped. All those things are God created, man made, or God created. And man worshiped. Human beings are either going to worship one true God, they're going to worship something God made, or a subcategory of worshiping something God made, which I separate into a third category. Human beings are going to worship themselves. And I find that generally speaking, when it all gets back to its, its origin, human beings either worship God or they worship themselves. So the subset actually encompasses the whole set. The subset of worshiping a created thing ultimately leads us to worshiping ourselves. And by the way, that was the temptation of the devil. In the garden, you will be as go. What he's saying is, you're going to be able to worship yourself because I worship myself. And he promised them that if you eat through this tree, you will be as gods and you will know good from evil. And he was right that they would know good from evil. And he was right that now they would be sinful and they would be separate from God. But he was wrong in that they would be gods. He was wrong, and they were not. But they still worship themselves. And that selfishness permeates throughout our world. It is. It is what has brought death into the world. Through one man, Adam, death entered the world. And so we understand that, that, that that whole idea of worshiping yourself brings about ultimate death. God says, you shall have no other gods before me. My relationship with you has to be preeminent, really. We all know way for you to ever have the goodness and the great things of a relationship with God. The only way for that to really take place in its fullness. The only way is for you to worship him and him only. And that's what he says. You shouldn't have any other gods before me. You should worship me and me alone. And when we do that, we. We are changed, obviously, because we repent, we turn, we're converted. We're different than we were before. We're already born again because we wouldn't hear his voice if we weren't. And at that point in time, we. We begin to walk with him. We become followers of Jesus Christ. We are being discipled. And when that happens, we place no other God before him because it'll get in the way of us walking with Him. And that's really how it's done. That's how, that's how the spiritual walk is done. That's how the spiritual life is had. And I'm enjoying the Ten Commandments already. I don't know about you, but as I study through God's word, it reveals just all kind of comes alive altogether. From Genesis to Revelation, it is alive. And God says, listen, you got to put me first. No matter what, you got to put me first. What about my family and friends? Yeah, I want you to love them, but Sean wants you to love me first. In fact, you really can't love yourself and you really can't love anyone else until you first learn to love God. Because he's the source of love as you go today. I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you, that he'll make.
His face to shine upon you and that he will give you hope and peace today in Jesus name.