Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 5:22 Bible Study | Episode 862
January 28, 2025
Hope Alive: Applying God’s Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 5:22 Bible Study | Episode #862
I am Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. The purpose of studying scripture is that you might know the character of Jesus Christ, and that you might see the world from the Father's perspective. That you gain wisdom that changes your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open His word to you and allow you to see Him and to know Him. To know His will, that you might glorify Him and that you might walk in faith and power each day, especially today. In Jesus name.
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This is Chad Harrison, and you're listening to Hope Applying God's word to your daily life.
Hi, this is Chad Harrison and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and have been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life.
I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open up.
His word to you and allow you.
To see him and to know him and to know his will, that you might glorify him and that you might walk in faith and power each and every day, especially today in Jesus name.
Well, good morning. Welcome to Lake Community Church's morning Bible study. We are in Deuteronomy, chapter five, and we finished the Ten Commandments last week. But there is a. Just an interesting verse.
I always find it interesting, especially when you have something really big and when I say really big, something that's memorable, something that you know, obviously God is eternal. God knows.
He. He sees throughout time and history and space.
God knows what's going to be important to people who are studying the Bible into the future. He. He is in the future, the present, and in the past all at the same time.
That's what it means to be eternal. So he is in all those places at all those times. God's. God's not peering through the tunnel of history, as some would say.
He doesn't have to peer through the tunnel of history. He exists in history.
He is omnipresent and he is eternal, which means that he exists beyond time and space, which means he. He is in the past, present and future all at the same time.
So he could say, up on that mountain where he gave him, where he gave the Ten Commandments, when he was talking to Moses the very first time, he could say, I am.
He could call himself I am, which means I exist. I exist past, present, future. I exist eternally. I exist, period. I exist all over the place. And so when he looks through space and time, when he does, when he.
When he peers through these things, they. And he gives us his revelation. Remember, the Word of God is his revelation to us. It is his revealing himself to us. It's him saying, I'm proving who I am.
And by doing that, what he's doing is he's going through Scripture and He's given us understandings and ideas.
He is leading humanity through history to reveal himself to humanity. He wants mankind to know him. He wants us to know him. He wants us to see Him. He wants us to be in his presence.
He wants us to. Well, he just wants us to, to know Him. And, and so when I get to a passage of Scripture, and you know, there are all kinds and everybody has their favorites.
You, I mean, you got, you've got different psalms that people love. You've got, you've got First Corinthians 13, the love chapter. I mean, you just go through different passages and different places that people, uh, memorize their.
Enamored with. Well, the Ten Commandments are obviously one of those. In fact, I mean, I mean, if you got Charlton Heston doing a movie about it, it's one of them.
And that's a joke. But I mean, it is, you know, humanity wise. The Ten Commandments are very important.
They. And, and, and we, we know they are. He gives them to us not once, but twice. He gives us two, two times. He comes in and says, you know, these are, these are the commandments I give you.
And, and all the law is based off them. And by the way, you know, all the law and the prophets hang off the law of love that he gives us.
So the law is important.
The law defines God, the law defines holiness. It's, it's of great importance now whether or not how humanity deals with it. The, the ability for mankind to deal with it is, is the, is the.
Really. It's the story of Scripture. How does mankind deal with its sin and deal with God's holiness? And the answer is we can't. God has to deal with it. God has to make us holy.
God has to redeem us from our inability to live up to these commandments. But in order for us to know that, in order for it to be obvious in creation that we know that God's gotta, He's gotta, he's gotta give us the Ten Commandments.
He's got to give us these, these commandments, this law.
And the Jews took it and, and made more and more laws from it. And I'm not saying they're wrong, because a lot of them were right. But, but they, they, they took it to, to their own nth degree and they made it.
Well, they made it super, super important. And so obviously the things that would be said right before and right after are very important. And in the Exodus account, right before it, he gives us this understanding and we find it in the middle of the Ten Commandments.
In Deuteronomy, he says, the sins of the Father passed to the second third generation, which means this issue of sin that we have is an issue that gets passed on it gets passed from generation to generation.
And, and, and the truth is, you know, the, the, the situation of being separated from God is something that, that you do pass on to your children. Why? Because you're born, you're not born again.
And when. And when your children come, they're not born again. They, they do not have a new spirit. They're not, they're not spiritually connected with God.
They're. They're lost. And they have to be born again. They have to be born of flesh, as he told Nicodemus, and they have of spirit. And so when, when we're born, we're born separate from God.
It gets passed down. And, and then, you know, when we live with each other, sin gets passed down. Sin is, it's contagious. It is, it is infectious. It moves around.
It does. It gets passed on from person to person. That's why even in the New Testament, he says, you know, that, that good company is, is important. Bad company is, is.
Is. Is very destructive.
Bad company corrupts good character. Hanging out in the wrong places with the wrong folks.
It, you know, it's contagious. It's a problem. And so we see that, that it gets passed down. And that's a key verse. That's a key idea that's right here with ten commandments.
Well, Moses just makes this comment in verse 22 that I think is just interesting. It is super interesting. He says these words, the Lord spoke to all your assembly, meaning God spoke them from the mountain.
He said, in the mountain, in the midst of the fire, the cloud, and the thick darkness. When they were at the foot of the mountain, God spoke it audibly to them.
They were able to hear it. They were able to hear his voice. They were able to see his power, his might. They didn't actually see God himself, but they were able to see his power, his might.
He spoke audibly to them from the cloud.
They heard him. They knew. They knew that it was God. They knew that what he was saying, they could hear. Hear it in their language. Remember, God is God of all the languages, but he.
He could. They could hear it in their language. They knew what was being said.
And notice, he says, and he added, no more, which is really, really important.
He gave them these 10 principles, these 10 commandments, these 10 for God. They would be 10 character traits. They would be who God is.
He says he gave them those so that they might be right with Him.
He wrote that law on their minds in their hearing and on their hearts in their understanding.
And when you get to Romans, chapter two. He goes into that, the law, the truth of God.
And it comes from him explaining that his nature is clearly seen in that which he creates. He says he writes his law on the hearts of humanity.
And so these laws, in many ways people will say, well, you know, lots of cultures have these laws. I know. Because God's law is written on the hearts of human beings.
You shall not murder. Murder is wrong in most societies, in almost all societies. Why? Because if you have murder going on, it's going to be totally destructive to society.
People are not going to trust each other. There's nothing going to, there's not going to be any way for people to interact with each other. If murder is okay, or adultery is okay, or theft is a regular part of the society, or lying to each other is what you do, it causes, it causes such rifts and divisions in society that you can't go on.
And if you're continuing to think about other people's property and other people's, the things God has blessed them with, and you're never concerned in the things God's doing with you, well, you're, you're going to, it's going to corrupt you.
It's going to corrupt you at your core. And if there's not a good relationship in the family with fathers and mothers and, and, and then the, the society is destroyed.
And we see this, we see this even in the age we live in that when, when, when families are destroyed, it's destructive for the whole society. And we deal with that even today.
And then obviously dealing with God, the recognition of God, the understanding of God, chasing after God, the first three commandments, they're very important. All these understandings of who God is and how God operates are.
Well, I mean, they're just fundamental. They're fundamental to the faith.
They're fundamental to who we are and so to just humanity at its core. And so when God says, you know, I wrote these on your heart and I added no more, what he's saying is, these are the things that I say and look to know what is right and wrong, you are going to know these things.
And in fact, that is the tree that they ate from in the garden. They ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and Evil. What is the knowledge of good and evil?
What defines good and evil? Well, it's the law.
And the law is death to those who are not God.
Not born again, not in his image, not in his likeness.
Their death is death to them.
And it reveals death. It unveils to you Your whole. Your whole inadequacy to follow it.
And even in saying this to them, the last sentence in the verse says, and he wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to them.
So Moses says, he gave them to me on two tablets of stone. Two is the number of a faithful witness. Can be the number of division, but it's the number of faithful witness.
And he wrote them on tablets of stone. And then we, for the rest of Scripture, we see God describing the hearts of men as stones, as this cold, dead stone.
And he wants to give us a heart of life, a living heart.
And. And. And so we realized that this law here cannot make my heart alive.
It does not make my heart alive.
My heart is dead.
It just identifies the death.
And Jesus even says that in the Sermon on the Mount. And he says, you've heard it said.
But I say unto you.
Why is he saying that? Well, what he's saying is you. You know these things because they're written on your heart.
You shall not do this. But I say to you, if you do this, you've already committed it, which means your heart's already dead.
Your heart's already destroyed. I'm just putting the epitaph epithet. I can't say that word right.
I'm putting the writing on the stone. I'm saying, you can't make it through the law. You won't make it through the law.
I've got to give you a new heart. I've got to give you new eyes to see and ears to hear. I've got to. I've got to change who you are.
I've got to make you new. I do the work of making you new. I do the work of redemption. I do the work of fixing you.
You just need to go through the process of realizing that. And when human beings do that, you know, we want to be able to. In. In every possible way. We want to be able to fix ourselves.
We don't want to have to deal with God directly. That's what the Jews here were doing. They said, I, you know, I don't want to go up on that mountain.
So God just revealed himself from the top of the mountain. They looked up and they saw him and they heard his voice. But God wanted you to get them to go up on the mountain.
He wanted them to be with him. But man says, I want to do it myself. I want to have my own rules. And so God said, okay, I'll write it on your heart of stone.
Not so that you can have life, because they're not going to get life from that, he says, so that I can prove to you, you've got to have me, you've got to have a relationship with me.
And that's really what the Ten Commandments is all about. And you know, the next few verses are going to deal with the people being afraid of God's presence. And why are they afraid of God's presence?
Because they won't go up on top of the mountain. And because they have cold, dead hearts. I mean, they're, they're, they're lost. They're separated from God. They're not, they're not going to be able to, to do the things that they need to do.
They're, they're, they're, they're not going to be able to live by this law. They're not going to be able to live by it at all. And they don't live about.
And then he's going to go into the greatest commandments and he's gonna, then he's gonna caution them against disobedience.
So he's gonna give them down the road, he's gonna, they're not gonna want to be on the mountain. And then he's gonna give them the greatest commandment, which is to love God.
And he's gonna, he and to love each other.
And he's going to tell them, you got it, you got to do these things. And then for, you know, it, there's a realization we can't do it, any of it right.
We don't do any of it right.
So God has to do the redeeming. God has to do the fixing. God has to do the work of justification, salvation and glorification. We join him by faith once we are given the new life that is comes by the finished work of Jesus and by the, the work of the Holy Spirit.
We have to do those things. We have to have it.
So I just say to you that, that as you study through scripture, these verses that are around, these important passages, read them and know them.
He says, you didn't come up on the mountain, but you heard my voice and you heard what I said. And then I wrote him on two tablets of stone and gave them to you.
And then Paul goes into Romans and says, you know, they're written on your heart.
God's law is known. It's known to us, but it doesn't get you there.
It will never get you there.
You must be born again as you go today.
I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you, that he'll make his face to shine upon you and that he will give you hope and peace today in Jesus name.