Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life

Deuteronomy 6:10-15 Bible Study | Episode 866

Chad Harrison Episode 866

February 3, 2025

Hope Alive: Applying God’s Word to Your Daily Life

Deuteronomy 6:10-15   Bible Study | Episode #866

I am Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. The purpose of studying scripture is that you might know the character of Jesus Christ, and that you might see the world from the Father's perspective. That you gain wisdom that changes your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open His word to you and allow you to see Him and to know Him. To know His will, that you might glorify Him and that you might walk in faith and power each day, especially today. In Jesus name.

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This is Chad Harrison and you're listening to Hope Applying God's word to your daily life.

Hi, this is Chad Harrison and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and have been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life.

I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open up.

His word to you and allow you.

To see him and to know him and to know his will, that you might glorify him and that you might walk in faith and power each and every day, especially today in Jesus name.

Well, good morning. Welcome to Lake Community Church's morning Bible study. We are in Deuteronomy chapter 6, and we have really a great explanation in scripture of spiritual giftings of God given us spiritual things and an understanding of how when God gives us those things, how they're maintained, what happens to maintain them.

Now you go, this is about the children of Israel born in the promised land. Yeah. Remember, the picture is still the picture. And the picture in the first five books of the Bible are God's, are a physical representation of the spiritual truth that we come to understand in the New Testament.

They give us a roadmap, they give us understanding. So when we read these things, when we read these physical stories, we can take them. And some people hate this word, but I really don't understand why then when we add the spiritual element, some people call it spiritualizing, when we add the spiritual element to it, meaning we allow ourselves to understand it in the spiritual.

And you go, why would we do that? Because God is spiritual, God is spirit, and everything that is from God is spiritual. And by the way, everything that is is from God.

And so if everything from God ultimately derives from the spiritual and everything that is is from God, then obviously everything has a spiritual aspect to it. In fact, everything is from the spiritual.

It says John1 says all the things that were made were made by him, meaning Jesus.

And nothing that was made was not made by Him.

And so Jesus is the physical manifestation of the Godhead of God himself.

He is the physical manifestation. But the Father, where everything derives from the Father is the will of God.

He's the character, he's the very nature of God.

The Father is spiritual. And so when we talk about the blessings of God, the things God has planned for us, the things God has prepared for us, things that God wants to do for us in our lives, when we talk about those things, we're we're by definition, we are talking about spiritual things.

We're by definition explaining things that have a spiritual aspect to them. And so if you, if you never ever look at the Scripture, New Testament, especially Old Testament, for sure, if you, if you never ever look at things and try to see them through spiritual eyes, well, the truth is you are missing 99 of what scripture is trying to teach you.

These things are spiritually, are spiritually understood. The Bible says these things are spiritually, are spiritually revealed and they're spiritually understood. And if you don't, if you do not have, if you're not born again, you don't care anything about it.

You don't have a spirit, you don't have the ability to see things spiritually.

These things seem weird and, and unimportant to you. When you're born again, you have some desire in you because it comes from the new human spirit that God has given you and the Holy Spirit that resides in you.

You, you have some desire to know the spiritual.

And then once you begin to stoke that desire, when you begin to work that in your own heart and mind, when you begin to work those things out, you begin to realize that through spiritual, is, is of great, great importance in your life.

And you begin to realize that the spiritual gives you life and gives you purpose and meaning. And then, then those things become powerful for you, that the, the understandings become real for you.

So it says here, verse 10. So it shall be. Remember that word shall is a legal term which means it's going to happen. God's going to make sure it will happen because He.

He has decreed it such.

So it shall be when the Lord your God brings you into the land which he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. Remember, this is a eternal promise.

This is a spiritual promise. This is a promise that does not have to do with generations and it does not have to do with certain people. Even though it originates in certain people.

It is a promise that lasts through the ages and it lasts on through time.

It is a timeless promise. Which means what?

It's spiritual. It is a spiritual promise. It's not a, it's not just a physical promise. The physical is a manifestation of the spiritual, the eternal promises of God. He says, he says he swore it to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

How long ago was that?

500 years ago? Well, for Abraham, it's a lot longer than that.

500 years ago from Jacob, from the end of Jacob's life where he's taken into Egypt to this point. Is close to 500 years.

That is a spiritual promise. This is eternal promise. That's God promising things throughout time and space.

He says, which you did. He says to give you large beautiful cities which you did not build.

Houses full of good things which you did not feel hewn out of whales, hewn out wells which you did not dig. Vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant.

When you have eaten and are full, then beware.

What is he saying?

Everything that is good that you get comes from God.

These cities, these places of fellowship, these places are to come together and to do commerce, to do business. It really is a picture of the congregation of God. The cities are these cities.

You didn't do anything for them. You didn't build them, you didn't make them, you didn't do anything. I'm giving them to you. Houses, places where you have intimacy with family and intimacy with God.

Pictures of the house is a picture of the family. It's a picture of the, the original institution of God, the family. The being together in, in very intimate, personal relationships.

He says, I gave you that. You didn't you. I'm going to give you houses which you did not make. You didn't build those things. He says. He says they're going to be full of, full of good things.

All the things that come from me are good. Anything that comes from the flesh, not good things that come from me. Good things that made for me good.

If you're, if you're living your life in such a way that you're expecting God to give you the really, really, really good stuff and, and, and, and you want it to be physical, well, let me say this does manifest itself in the physical.

But the main thing is, is the good things that come from God are spiritual. He says, he says, I'm going to give you these things. I'm going to dig. Dig wells.

These. That's new. Sp.

New works of God.

I did a Bible study on digging wells back a couple of years ago. And wells are pictures of, of the, of the Holy Spirit and a new work of the Holy Spirit being done.

And when you dig a well, that's a picture of. A picture of faith being obedient to God and, and beginning the work of faith. And then that will provides the goodness of the Holy Spirit.

Because you, you were obedient and you were faithful and you believed and trusted God. And God rewards you with the, with the goodness of the Holy Spirit, the refreshing work of the Holy Spirit, the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit.

He says, I'm going To give you wells you didn't dig. I'm going to give you works of the Holy Spirit you had nothing to do with. He says, I'm going to give you vineyards and olive trees.

Now these are. This is picture of the goodness of the Holy Spirit. Again, vineyards for plants, for grapes, olive trees for all these. That's the power of the Holy Spirit and the goodness of the Holy Spirit, both of them together.

He says, I'm not going to just give you the goodness, and I'm not just going to give you the power. I'm going to give you the source of the goodness and the power.

See that? He's saying, I'm giving you the vineyard. Meaning I'm not just giving you the wine. I'm giving you the source how you can make the goodness of God. I'm giving you the.

The olive trees. I'm not just going to give you the oil of the Holy Spirit, the power and the eternality of the hol. Spirit. I'm going to. I'm going to give you the source of that.

I'm going to place that inside of you. I mean, that's really what these are pictures of, of the goodness of God, the greatness of God, the blessings of God, the promises, because they're going in the promised land, the promises of God.

I'm giving them to you. I'm placing them in your hand. I'm. I'm making it possible that you can have that. He says. He says, when you have eaten and are full, meaning when you are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Notice when you've eaten in full or full, you, you drank of the wine, you've eaten of the olive oil olive tree. You've. You've. When you've eaten of the. And you're full, you're filled with the Holy Spirit.

Beware what? Beware what? Lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of Egypt from the house of bondage. He says, even in the midst of the blessings of God, you need to not forget where God has brought you from.

Boy. We know that's easy, don't we? We. I mean, we know that. That it's easy to forget that the good things that God has given us come from Him. We oftentimes want to think it comes from us.

It doesn't comes from him. He says, you shall fear the Lord your God and serve him, and shall take oaths in his name.

What you. What he's saying is, is you're going to. You need to fear God. You need to realize that everything you have Comes from God. You need to trust God.

What else do you need to do? Well, you need to take oaths in his name. What does that mean? You need to. You need to make plans and promises and swear to do the work of the Holy Spirit, to do the work of God, to be obedient to what the Holy Spirit's leading you to do.

To be obedient to what you're being led to do. Make those oaths, do those things. Do the big stuff that God has for you to do. You shall fear God, and then you shall do the big things that God has for you to do.

You shall not. You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the people who are all around you. He said, don't chase after the world. Don't chase after the things that are out there.

The, the. The things that have empty promises and are not real. The gods that are made by human hands and made by human desires and human wills. Don't chase after those things.

Chase after the things that come from God. He says, for the Lord your God is a jealous God among you.

He says. He says, the Lord your God, he's jealous.

And he. He is. He is. He's trustworthy. Lest the anger of the Lord your God be. Be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth. What he's saying is.

What he's saying is these things are spiritual, but they have physical consequences.

And when. And, and they have physical blessings.

Obviously all these things are spiritual. But when you fail to trust God and when you chase after other gods, the physical blessings that are a result of the spiritual promises, the physical blessings which are the result of the spiritual promises, what happens?

Well, they diminish. They go away. They. They're lost. You. You don't. You don't get to enjoy them.

What? Yeah, that's an important understanding. Listen, God gives us physical promises. He does.

We're physical beings. We have to operate in the physical.

We have to learn to operate in the spiritual. But we live in the physical. God gives us physical blessings. He does. He gives us huge physical blessings. All right?

Those physical blessings, those physical blessings which he gives us, they come from the spiritual. So when we spiritually do not chase after God, when we spiritually do not. Do not seek after him, the physical is affected by that.

It affects the physical. It affects our physical lives, how we live, how we walk, how we. How we. How we know him, how we. How we work in the world that we live in.

He says, don't do that. He says, I'm giving you, all this stuff you're. You don't do anything for it anyway. Great important principle. God, Sovereign God's the one who does the work.

We're the one who trust him in the work.

The way we do the work of God is by faith. We trust him. We trust him and we walk in what he's given us. That's the work that is required of Him.

What does Jesus say? What is the work that's required of you to believe on the One he sent. What does that mean? Well, to have faith in the work, finished work of Jesus Christ.

That's what it is. And so he's saying, here, listen, you can't. You got to fear God. You got, you got it. You got to do the big things, make oaths in his name.

Remember, that's what you're doing is you're saying, I'm going to do this in the name of God. You're going to do the big stuff of God. He says, you shall go after.

You shall not go after other gods and the gods of the people around you. Can't be about the spiritual. And those are spirits, but they're evil spirits. Can't be going after those things.

Can't be going after the flesh, can't be going after physical things. He says, for God's a jealous God. God, he desires a relationship with you. He's done all these things for you.

And he says, the langer of the Lord will be aroused against you and, and the physical will be affected by the spiritual. And that's true all the time. The physical will be.

Will be affected by the spiritual.

So I pray that, that, that'll be the case for you. You figure it out. You'll begin to walk in that and we'll, we'll realize that the reason we're going through this march through the Old Testament is on Sunday morning, we march through the New Testament.

As we march through the Gospels and the, and the stories of Jesus Christ. We need to know where those stories have their origination, where, where they begin. And they begin here.

And, and the stories in the New Testament are phys, or a spiritual God coming to meet with man in the flesh. That's Emmanuel God with us. It's the spiritual touching the physical, the spiritual controlling the spirit physical, the, the spiritual walking with the physical.

And, and where do we, where do we get all the foreshadowings of it, the, the pictures of it, the spiritual truth? Where do we, where do we get those from?

Well, we, we originate them in, in the Old Testament. We originate them in these original stories and begin to learn and understand them from them. And after they get in the promised land, we're going to walk.

That's the rest of the scriptures is about figuring out how to walk in this life that God has given us. These good things that God has made for us.

Wow. What a. What a great.

What a great God we serve. What a. What a great opportunity we have. What big things that God has done for us.

I would expect you to look for those things, seek those things out, grab hold of those things, take hold of them in their fullness as you go today, I pray that the Lord will.

Bless you and keep you, that he'll make his face to shine upon you, and that he will give you hope and peace today in Jesus name.