Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 10:1-5 Bible Study | Episode 878
February 19, 2025
Hope Alive: Applying God’s Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 10:1-5 Bible Study | Episode # 878
I am Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. The purpose of studying scripture is that you might know the character of Jesus Christ, and that you might see the world from the Father's perspective. That you gain wisdom that changes your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open His word to you and allow you to see Him and to know Him. To know His will, that you might glorify Him and that you might walk in faith and power each day, especially today. In Jesus name.
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This is Chad Harrison, and you're listening to Hope Applying God's word to your daily life.
Hi, this is Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and have been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life.
I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open up.
His word to you and allow you.
To see him and to know him and to know his will, that you might glorify him and that you might walk in faith and power each and every day, especially today in Jesus name.
Well, good morning. Welcome to Lake Community Church's morning Bible study. We are in Deuteronomy, chapter 10. And we come across after. After Moses explained to the children of Israel that why their parents did not go into the promised land, why their parents rebelled against God at the.
At the mount of.
Of his appearing, his blessing at the mountain where he. He gave them the Ten Commandments.
God told Moses to do something after. After he come down with the. With the two tablets that God made, and he broke them and crushed them. And notice he took the golden calf and he took the Ten Commandments, and he crushed both of them into fine dust and put them in the river.
After he'd done that, God told Moses to do so.
And it is a beautiful picture of the difference between God and his work of justification and his work of salvation.
And that's the whole point of this passage, is God is trying to give them a physical symbology of physical symbols of how he does his work of justification, and then he does his work of salvation.
Now, what do you mean by that, Pastor? Well, theologically, there are three works that theologians have defined and explained in God's work of bringing human beings to completion before Him.
And when I say completion, I mean perfection. Now, I'm not talking about earthly perfection. I'm talking about perfection in his presence after we've passed away. And those three processes are called justification, sanctification, glorification.
All right? And those three processes deal with the three aspects of how God made us. He made us with a body, he made us with a soul, and he made us.
He made originally Adam and Eve in the garden with the Spirit. He, ruha, breathed in them the breath of life, and so they were a living creature or a living soul.
So you've got ruha, the word for spirit, which is also translated breath in the Old Testament. So it's, It's. It's Neat how it said he Ruha. He breathed into them the breath of life.
Or you can translate it spirit. So it really. Usually when you have two words that you. A word you can translate two ways and it's back to back in a.
In a sentence, usually one of those words is one of the ways you can translate it is the best way. And then the other. And so it is it. He said, see Ruha them, the Ruha of life.
So if you read it and you translate it with both words, you would say he breathed into them the. The. The spirit of life.
And so he gave them a spirit. He gave them a soul. And then he gave them. He gave them obviously a body which he had put both of those in.
So he formed them out of the dust of the ground body. He. He breathed into them the spirit of life and they became a living soul, or they had a soul.
And all three of those aspects of them needed to be fixed. And the spirit aspect of them is the one that had to be fixed first because it's the one that died in the garden.
He said, in the moment you eat the fruit of this tree in the day, you eat the fruit of this tree in the hour. In the finite. Really best way to translate it is in the finite period of time when you eat of the fruit of this tree, you shall surely die.
And the reason it's best to translate it the finite period of time you shall surely die is because the spirit which he played, the spirit, the spiritual is, has no beginning or end.
It's eternal. And so what died in them was eternal. And when they sinned in the garden, what died in them was eternal. And so what, what God places back into us is eternal when he gives us the new birth.
And that's explained in John chapter three with Nicodemus, what it means to be born again. And so when you're born of spirit, not born of the flesh, when you were born of spirit, you're born again and you have a new spirit.
Now the first thing that's got to be fixed is justification, which means you've got to have a new spirit born in you. And that's not done by your will. It's not done by a work of your hand.
It's not done by anything you do.
You cannot do the work of justification for yourself. You are justified.
Your justification, you see, the justification of a person by their faith.
The way you know somebody has actually been born again or justified is that they, at some point in time, hear God and they believe God and begin to act upon it, which would.
The first time you do that would be to repent and turn to God.
But that. That activity of that. That justification.
That justification is realized in our faith because as. As. Not only does God give us a new spirit, but he gives us grace and mercy which are. Which are parallels and they come into our life at the same time.
And then he also gives us. He also gives us this really, really powerful, wonderful gift which is the gift of being able to trust him, the gift of faith. And when he gives us that gift of faith, well, he's done.
He's done a wonderful work in our lives so that we can move into the second process, which is called salvation or sanctification. It is. It is. The work is in the New Testament, it's the word sozo.
It means to. It means to be changed. And that's our sou. Soul. And our soul is changed. And then finally when we breathe our last and we. And our soul and our spirit come into his presence, he gives us a new human body.
I actually think it has the same DNA, but it's. You know that. That's not spelled out in scripture. That's Chad.
I actually think we're the exact same DNA, but it's perfect. It's not being destroyed by the sun. It's not being destroyed by sin. It doesn't have. It doesn't create cancer cells.
It's perfect. It's the perfect version of us. And we are. We are healthy and beautiful and complete and full. And we're all unique.
That's why he. When. When John sees. Sees the people in heaven, he says, I saw men from every tribe and nation, tongue and language. What is he saying? Well, he said, I saw people from every color.
They were every color and they were every size and they were every. You know it. That they were from every ethnicity. I saw them all.
Well, that tends to indicate that we're all going to have our DNA. We're going to all be who we are. And that's. That's. That's in my opinion, the. One of the most beautiful verses in the Bible that speaks to God's desire from desire that he.
He redeemed every race and every color and every creed and every tribe and every language. He desires to. He desires to deliver and save and redeem all of.
And so the justification process of God making us born again and by the Father's will leads to sanctification. And sanctification is a beautiful. Is. Well, it's really beautiful here because we come.
The first thing you have to do to be sanctified. The first thing children of Israel had to do to know God, once they saw the miraculous work of God and turned from Egypt and headed in the direction that God was leading them, which is a beautiful picture of repentance he delivers them.
Remember, the work of justification, the work that is required to make it possible that we could be justified is done in Jesus Christ. He's the one who does the work of paying for our sins.
He justifies us.
He makes it okay between us and God by paying for our sins. Jesus does that. And, you know, the door, the. The. The blood over the doorpost of their houses when the death angel came is a beautiful picture of that justification.
And then they turn and they go and they chase after God. They chase after who God is, and they chase after his plan for them. And they. Where do they go?
Well, they go to this mountain. They go this mountain where Moses saw God in the burning bush, and they go to meet him there in that mountain. And. And the whole point of it is for God to give them his heart, who, you know, the essence of who he is, which is his law.
He wants to give them his teachings. He wants to give them the understanding of who he is for them to be. For them to be saved, which is the changing of our heart and our mind to the will of God.
And so he says, at the time the Lord said to me, hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first. Now remember, he broke the tablets and he crushed them along with the golden calf and put the dust into the creek, or in Alabama we call it creek.
It's called translated stream or brook that flowed down from the mountain.
He said, and come to me, me on the mountain and make yourself an ark of wood. And I'll write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke, and you shall put them in the ark.
Now, this is a really, really beautiful picture. The ark is acacia wood, and it is a picture of.
Well, it's a picture of us, if you want to know the truth.
It's a picture of us. The ark is a picture of us.
The wood is very fragile. It's a. It's a wood that floats.
When I say fragile, it's not fragile in the sense that it gets crushed, but at the wrong. If you push, if you try to break it at the wrong angle.
Easily breaks, but it doesn't break when you put the pressure in the right angles. And that. That's what makes it a neat wood, because it's really good to use for boats and things like that because it does float really well.
But it's a horrible wood to use for constructing large buildings and things like that. Anyway, it is a picture of us. We're fragile and yet strong.
It's a picture of us in the sense of an ark, because the ark of the covenant, remember, God puts his presence upon us, which would be a picture of the angel, you know, the cherubs up there, and the presence, the Shekinah, glory of God being on us.
The wood is fragile on the inside, but on the outside, he covers it, he layers it with gold, which is royalty. I could go through these pictures and they are just beautiful, beautiful pictures of, of us being.
Being the, the. The chosen vessel to carry the presence of God on the earth. We are that as broken and messed up as we are. God chose us to be his vessels to carry his presence on the earth.
We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. I mean, I can just go through passage after passage which, which just says over and over again that God wants to live inside of us.
He wants to fill us with his spirit. He want, you know, even the verse that we're going to you in John, where he. He says, I'm going to give you rivers of living water that flow out to you.
And they told that woman at the well that it would flow out to eternal life. I mean, we, we. We are the vessel that God has chosen, the broken vessel, the, the.
The. The sick vessel, the dead vessel that God has made alive. He's made us whole. He's made us. He has fixed us and made us complete. We are the broken vessel that God has chosen to carry God's word.
But that work of God doing that in our lives is the work of salvation. It's the work of God completing our faith in him, in our living each day. And so that's what making that, making that ark is all about.
He said, I want you to make a box of acacia wood, an ark of case of wood. And I will write on the tablets. But notice Moses had to hew out the rock again.
God hewed out the rock the first time. God hewed out the rock and wrote on the tablets, which was for all humanity and all the spiritual to see his Word being written on those rocks.
But when it came time, for once Moses had crushed those rocks up, he had to write them on his heart. He had to write them on the rocks. Why? Because you have to learn to walk with God.
You have to learn to eat of His Word.
You have to do the work of Trusting in God says and seeking out what God has to say. And God says that. He says, if you seek Me, you will find me.
But God does require that we seek Him. Once he's done the work of justifying us, making us okay with Him. We do have to do the. We do have to do the steps of faith to seek him out.
We do have to do the work of. Of making his law known to ourselves and living it out in our lives. We do have to. These are works of faith.
We do have to do the work of. Of holding the. The truth and the presence of God in our hearts. We. We. It's a. It's a joint work, by the way.
God's given us all the power to do it. I've already told you. He's provided you all the tools to make that happen. He's giving you faith. He's giving you. He's given you grace, he's given you mercy.
He's given you the power of the Holy Spirit. Because not only does he make you a new spirit in you when you're born again, but he, the Holy Spirit, comes and communes with that spirit.
So you have the power of God. You literally carry the presence of God around in you.
It's called the Shekinah Glory of God, and you carry it around.
Verse 3 said, so I made the ark of acacia wood. I hewed out of two tablets of stone like the first, and went up on the mountain having the two tablets in my hand.
And notice. And he wrote on the tablets according to the first writing the Ten Commandments.
I took my heart up there this time. God. God wrote it the first time on his own rocks, on his own stone tablets. But I took my heart up there this time, which the Lord had spoken to you to the.
In the mountain, from the midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly that the Lord gave to me. Now I took my rocks up there and then I turned and came down from the mountain and put the tablets in the ark which I'd made.
And there they are, just as the Lord commanded me.
And that's a picture of us going up to God and letting him place his truth on our heart and then placing them in our lives, our bodies, as a promise, as a seal of the Holy Spirit, that one day not only will be we be born again, not only will we be full of faith and walk in faith, but we will also be glorified before Him.
So you have justification, sanctification and glorification. Our. Our bodies will be made complete and whole before Him. Our minds will be clear and direct, our emotions, our passions will be rightly pointed, rightly justified and powerful before him.
And our bodies will be complete.
And that's the promise of God's finished work in humanity. He's been foreshadowing it ever since Genesis chapter one. He's been preparing us to understand his plan for us. His plan to prove that his grace and his mercy is more powerful than sin and death.
As you go today, I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep.
You, that he'll make his face to.
Shine upon you, and that he will give you hope and peace today in Jesus name.