Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Hope Alive: Applying God's Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 10:11-14 Bible Study | Episode 880
February 21, 2025
Hope Alive: Applying God’s Word to Your Daily Life
Deuteronomy 10:11-14 Bible Study | Episode #880
I am Chad Harrison, and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and had been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life. The purpose of studying scripture is that you might know the character of Jesus Christ, and that you might see the world from the Father's perspective. That you gain wisdom that changes your life. I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open His word to you and allow you to see Him and to know Him. To know His will, that you might glorify Him and that you might walk in faith and power each day, especially today. In Jesus name.
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This is Chad Harrison, and you're listening to Hope Applying God's word to your daily life.
Hi, this is Chad Harrison and I am the teaching pastor of Lake Community Church and have been serving as a pastor for 25 years. I'm also a practicing attorney. This podcast is designed to help you study God's word and find God's will for your life.
I pray in the name of Jesus right now that God would open up.
His word to you and allow you.
To see him and to know him and to know his will, that you might glorify him and that you might walk in faith and power each and every day, especially today in Jesus name.
Well, good morning. Welcome to Lake Community Church's morning Bible study. We are in Deuteronomy, chapter 10, and we're dealing with verses 11 through 14. I think this is one of those.
It's one of those passages. You know, people have life verses. They, they'll have a verse of scripture that really is defining maybe, maybe sometimes not even life verses. Maybe it's season verses would be the best way.
They call them life verses, but they're the verses of scripture that really, really speak to the season they're in, speak to the place they are in, in life.
And, and you can have those, especially if you're a Christian as a young person on into adulthood. You know, you'll go through portions of your life, you'll go through times in your life where you have seasons of, of.
Of growth, seasons of becoming, seasons of God dealing with you in certain areas of your life. And then, and then there's a verse of Scripture that really kind of speaks to you in those areas.
And a lot of people will take those as their, what they call their life verse or the verse, you know, it's their favorite passage of Scripture. It's a favorite verse, and they memorize it.
Well, what I always say is, first of all, memorize. That is such an important part of discipleship, it's such an important part of walking with God, is to take passages of scripture, memorize them, and sure, you can make them your life verse, you can call them whatever you want to.
But oftentimes when you memorize a verse of Scripture, it really kind of resonates in your heart for a season, for a time period, you begin to see the verse everywhere.
You begin to see what God's doing everywhere. And most people memorize verses that, you know, really speak to their heart at a point in time in their life. And so when, when they're, when they're studying through Scripture, they run across something that really just resonates.
It just. It's. It's saying what.
What. What they need to hear at that moment. And so they memorize it. And then as they memorize it, it really even becomes more than just what they needed at the moment.
It becomes. Well, it becomes their life. It becomes part.
And so when we get to this verse here, this passage here, this is one of those passages. I mean, it's. It's not. It's not anything that you would say that anybody would memorize, but it's one of those passages that if you were to memorize it, maybe memorize one of the verses in it, but especially maybe in the middle, you would.
You would. You would do well for a season, because it would. It's kind of like a roadmap. And. And if I memorized it, it becomes kind of a roadmap in my own heart.
I'm. I mean, I'm beginning to say. Okay, y.
I get this. I. I understand God here. And.
And it is what Moses said to the children of Israel, who. Whose parents died in the wilderness. And he says to them, verse 11. Then the Lord said to me, arise, begin your journey before the people that they may go in and possess the land which I swore to their fathers to give me.
And he says this all the time.
He. I want them to go possess the land. Remember the promises of God. The promised land is to be possessed.
The things that God has set aside for you in your life, they are the things that need to be grabbed. They. They. They have to. You have to grab hold to them.
They have to be possessed. And what I mean by that? Well, the walk of faith, the. The steps of faith take possession of the promises of God. That's the best way for me to say it in a.
In a very succinct way. The walk of faith possesses the promises of God.
If your faith has no action, if it has no. If it doesn't move, if it doesn't take, if it doesn't do, well, it's, you know, James, the just. The brother of Jesus says it's dead.
It's. It's not. It has, you know, has no purpose.
Our faith, our faith at its core makes us move. It makes us do it makes. It makes it possible for us to possess. Now, the. The. The reality of the possession and the gift of the possession is all God's.
But our faith causes us to walk in that possession. It causes us to take hold of that possession. So he said, and now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you.
Now anytime you want to call something like this, it is. It would be great to read it and memorize it and to think about different aspects because he's going to go through a list and every aspect of this list is going to be really, really, really, really good.
It's going to give you insight into what God really wants in his heart of us. And you go well, this is the children of Israel. That's true. That's true. And, and, and what we have in Christ Jesus is, is, is more clear, more, more pure.
But, but what God gave them is, is really wonderful. And it's wonderful as, as it involves their promises. And so I can, I can know that the children of Israel were going in the promised land.
And I know that God has promises for me. I know that God sust.
I sure know he sustained me until I, I get to the place where I can actually take his promises. And you know, as I, as I walk in those promises, as, as I begin to walk in those promises, I can see how God keeps me in the middle of those promises as he is trying to do with the children of Israel.
He's trying to teach them how to stay in the middle in the midst of his promises. So what does he say? He says, what does the Lord require of you but to fear the Lord your God?
Now remember, we always start with that. And I try to explain that in a palpable way that makes you understand it because God does require a fear of Him. And what does that mean?
Well, God is the sovereign king of the universe.
From him everything was made. The Bible says through Jesus all things were made. And without him nothing was made that was made. Okay. He is the sovereign over the universe.
That mean He, He. That means that that same Jesus who, who reclined with the sinners and tax collectors. That same Jesus who, who washed the disciples feet. That same Jesus who, who, who, who forced both the chief priest and, and the, the governor, the Roman governor to, to cross unwillingness to speak on his behalf and by his, his.
His stamp of approval on, on the governor saying that, you know, you couldn't. You can't do anything unless my Father is allowing it. Basically saying my Father's allowing it. So you can do it and you should do it by doing.
But that same Jesus, He. He created the universe with his hands. The Father spoke the universe into existence and the Son created the universe. He made it with his hands.
He is the, he's the maker of the universe. The Father is the, is the designer and source of the universe. And the Son is the maker of the universe, and the Holy Spirit is the power by which it was made and the eternality that it, that it sprang forth from.
And so fearing God is, is, is, is a realization of how, who he really is and who you really are. And that's the beginning of wisdom. It's the beginning of really understanding how God sees things and does things.
Okay, so it's the beginning of everything good. Everything good starts there because I start in the right spot. And one of the things they always taught us in law school when we start a case is you end where you start.
What does that mean? Well, if you don't start well, you're not going to end well. If you start really well, you have a really good chance to end really well.
So you make, make sure you start well. That's, that's, that's really eternal understanding.
If you, if you start where God wants you to be, you're going to end where God wants you to be. And he says the fear.
First thing God wants you to do is fear him. Fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, meaning to know him, to know his character and to walk in those ways.
To walk in the ways of God. Wow, that, that, that seems like a New Testament idea. Well, because it comes from the same God and He's eternally given us that we need to fear the Lord.
We need to recognize who he is. And then once we recognize who he is, we need to walk in his ways. We need to be like Him. We need to be as he is.
He says, he says to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Well, what am I doing? I'm. I'm glorifying God by using the gifts and, and the power and the position He's.
He's given me.
And I serve him. I serve him with all my heart. I give him. I give him all that I am.
And so, and so it is a, it is a, it is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful passage where he's saying, look, you got, you got to know who I am. You got to realize, come to real realization of who I am.
You got to fit that which can cause you to have a proper fear, proper, proper perspective of me. You got to walk in the ways I am. Once you've realized who I am and you can see who I am and, and you figure that out, you got to walk in my ways and then you got to serve me.
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta serve my will and not yours. He says and to keep his commandment and keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes, which I command you today.
Today for your good. What he's saying is you gotta keep his, his, his will, his way, His, His, His. His divine revelation to you.
And, and that involves statutes and that laws, commandments, and that involves precepts and that involves understandings and that involves teachings and all these words that we use to, to identify our coming to an understanding of what God has said to us.
And, and, and oftentimes we get focused on that commandments. Yeah. And statutes and precepts and teachings and his ways. And as you, as you begin to realize, oh, I'm understanding the, the mind of God, the heart of God, the will of God, I'm beginning to.
I'm going to get that. And how do I get it? Well, I get it from His Word. His Word tells me those things. Sometimes it tells me very directly about certain things and sometimes it tells me things that allow me to see things from really, really a big perspective.
However that is, however God is revealing Himself through His Word to you, however he's showing Himself to you, you got to walk in it. You gotta, you gotta, you gotta continue to serve him and to walk in those ways he says.
And, and they, they are given to you for your good.
God gives it to you for your best. Indeed, heaven and the highest heavens belong to the Lord your God, also the earth with all that's in it. What he's saying is I own it all.
And you have access to it all because you have access through me. And I have given you my promises. God didn't have to give us promises. God didn't have to give us anything.
We didn't deserve it. We didn't do anything for it. God, God. God gave us all his promises. God has given the children of Israel in the Old Testament. He's given.
He's given the. The New Testament church all his promises. He's given us those promises and they still remain. Remember, the gift and call of God are irrevocable.
So once God gives the promises, he's not taking them back. He took them back from Israel and ain't taking them back from us.
Once he's given us those promises, those come from his heart. Those come from the very source of who he is, which is love. His love for us. And so he says in verse 15, the Lord delighted only in your fathers to love them.
And he chose their descendants after them, you above all peoples, as it is this day. And what he's saying is, you know I loved you. That's why I've given you these promises.
That's why I've given you these commandments. That's why I'm giving you these precepts. That's why I've given you these understandings. That's why I've given you these revelations. You know, as you start thinking about it, there's 20 or 30 words out there that define God revealing Himself in a human thought pattern.
And by the way, that's amazing too.
Really, really amazing.
You know how limited we are mentally. And the more we grow technology wise, the more we realize how limited we are mentally.
And that God could in any way really reveal to us in our own hearts and minds, his divine nature and will is miraculous in and of itself.
It really is. And it's a gift too. It's a gift also. So when God reveals Himself, when he shines his light into your life at any point in time, that is truly a great and wonderful gift.
And if you're just a new Christian, you've only really heard God speak to your heart about a couple of things. I want you to hear me today.
Don't, don't worry about what's going to happen down the road. Don't worry about, you don't know enough.
Walk in what he's revealed to you. Those are precious gifts. And, and oftentimes the first revelations from God, the first understandings that he gives you are the, are the, well, they're the bedrock of, of the rest of your faith.
And so they're going to be the strongest revelations for the rest of your life. They're going to set the course of all the other revelations. They're going to set the course of all the other commandments, all the other understandings, all the other precepts, all the other laws, all that kind of stuff.
It's going to set the, it's going to set the course for that. And so you ought to treat them as, as, as, as prized treasures is the best thing you ever got in your life.
Because God's going to use them to lay a foundation on which he's going to build a, well, a glorifying life for you.
And that wonderful promise from God. Isn't it wonderful to know our God that way? It sure is.
And I'm here to tell you, if you hear his voice, turn to him, because he's the one that gave you the ability to hear his voice.
So he wants to know you and he wants you to know as you go. Today I pray that the Lord will.
Bless you and keep you that he'll make his face to shine upon you and that he will give you hope and peace today in Jesus name.